Please be advised, we are receiving an influx of registration forms at this time. Therefore, you may not see your new registration or registration changes right away. Please do NOT resubmit your forms, our team is working diligently to complete all registration forms as soon as possible.Thank you for your patience.





441-293-VOTE (8683)


Welcome to the Election Management Body of Bermuda.

On this site you can find that you will hear during and around registering and voting in the Bermuda Election



– Vote


Ballot Paper

– Paper on which vote is cast


Ballot Box

– Sealed box into which all ballots are cast


Ballots Cast

– The number of ballot papers that actually go into the ballot box


Rejected Ballot

– A ballot paper placed in the ballot box by a voter, but which cannot be counted for one or more of the following reasons:

– There is no mark beside the name of any of the candidates or there is no clear indication as to the candidate for whom the voter intended to vote

– There is a mark beside the names of more than one candidate

– There is a mark on the ballot paper which identifies the voter

– The outside of the ballot paper does not bear the official mark


Parliamentary Register

– The list containing the names of all persons who are registered to vote


Registered Voters

– Those persons who can vote in a parliamentary election



– The number of persons who actually cast ballots in a parliamentary election